Congress continues to support facilities that provide care to most vulnerable during COVID-19
Read moreThe Atlantic abandoned “journalistic integrity” in running with a report in which anonymous sources claimed President Donald Trump had disparaged American soldiers while on a trip abroad, Trump 2020 campaign Press Communications Director Er
Read moreI went to Australia to get an education in foreign relations and I did. But it wasn’t at the schoolhouse... it was at the race track.
Read moreThe 2020 presidential election will be marked by an inundation of mail-in ballots, individuals casting multiple in-person ballots, and the chaos of conducting an election amid media-generated coronavirus fear.
Read moreThe marathon of collecting an accurate state population count for the 2020 census is coming to a close, and it’s more important than ever that we encourage our family, friends, neighbors and co-workers to complete the questionnaire in a sprint to
Read morePresident Trump is going to get a Nobel Peace Prize, for his work in getting peace between Israel and Palestine. Our president actually earned this honor.
Read moreThe fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom,
and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
— Proverbs 9:10
Read moreThe rioting and killing in U.S. cities has some people asking why President Trump hasn’t sent in federal troops to quell the anarchy.
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