I’ve noticed that some of my fellow cow columnists have taken to endorsing products to supplement their income from ag periodicals and weekly newspapers who, up until now, have made it possible for all of us to live such lavish lifestyles.
Read moreIf you were shocked by the images of the Mexican flag flying over an Aurora, Colorado, immigration detention center this weekend, you’ll be appalled at an even more disgusting spectacle:
Read moreLast week, I asked why our country was in the shape it’s in.
Read moreCraziness, stupidity (ignorance maybe) sells. We refer, of course, to the report that Nike, a company that makes sports-oriented wearing apparel, we hear – having never bought any of it
Read moreWhen I walked from the bathroom into the hallway I heard chirping sounds coming from my bedroom/ office.
How’d a bird get into the house? Why weren’t the cats tearing the place up to get it?
Things haven’t always been this way. Here’s a suggestion. How about setting up some high school rifle clubs?
Read moreRoad and bridge projects in Woodward and Woodward County.
Read moreWhich states have the best education systems?
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