I was very disturbed and angry while reading OU professor David Deming’s open letter in the Kingfisher Times & Free Press in your last Sunday edition. The Leftists have
Read more[Ed. Note: Katrina Trinko is managing editor of The Daily Signal and co-host of The Daily Signal podcast. She is also a member of USA Today’s Board of Contributors.] If
Read moreDon’t you wonder how the various events in modern day rodeo got started? As was told to me, rodeo events were supposedly based on things that happen on your average
Read moreMy name is David Deming. I have been an OU professor for 27 years. This letter expresses my personal viewpoint as a citizen of Oklahoma speaking on a matter of
Read moreThe impossible has happened. Last year, tuition stayed flat at the University of Oklahoma. And now, faculty are receiving raises. Oklahomans have been lectured for years, by former OU President
Read moreI think the cause of Kingfisher’s issue over transport of non-emergency patients lies in the second paragraph of Mr. Stewart’s response: In 1969 “ ... the community voted in a
Read moreWe are in the longest government shutdown in history. Well, partial shutdown. The F.S.A. offices will be open to take care of agricultural business. Some people are saying stop paying
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