Many citizens feel the cost of college has become too expensive, noting the heavy student-loan debt that burdens people for years.
Read moreThe First Amendment to our Constitution was proposed by the 1788 Virginia ratification convention during its narrow 89 to 79 vote to ratify the Constitution.
Read moreEnough is enough. The U.S. Justice Department needs to immediately open a criminal civil rights investigation of Antifa, an affiliation of radical activists and left-wing groups whose name, ironically enough, is short for “anti-fascists.”
Read moreComments by Trent England, executive vice president of the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs (our most trusted think tank) regarding the sneaky (in our opinion) National Popular Vote scheme to
Read more(The Daily Signal) An ideologically divided Supreme Court delivered a victory for property owners Friday, over a vigorous dissent from Justice Elena Kagan that accused the conservative majority of smashing
Read moreI’m sure you’ve heard that Progressive Democrats like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez from New York and Ed Markey from Massachusetts have said in the Green New Deal that we need to eradicate cows from the face of the earth if mankind is to survive the next 12 years.
Read moreI was not in much of a celebratory mood this Independence Day.
Our borders have collapsed. Our educational system is a wreck. And our constitutionally protected freedoms of assembly, speech and the press are under siege in the streets and across the internet. The ability of patriots to warn, expose and combat the threats to our national sovereignty is eroding daily.
Read more[Ed. Note: Spoehr, a retired Army lieutenant general, is director of the Center for National Defense at The Heritage Foundation.] Some are hyperventilating over reports that this year’s annual Independence
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