Angie Meyer of Okarche, secretary to the board of Kingfisher County Commissioners, may not be a member of Women’s Lib, but she is a leader in a state organization traditionally dominated by men.
Read moreThree entities operating four saltwater disposal wells northwest of Kingfisher have agreed to shut in all four wells for at least 30 days.
Read moreA week that started in a social media frenzy at Kingfisher High School fortunately ended Friday without incident.
Read moreOklahoma Department of Transportation is sticking to its most recent estimate of late October for completion of the U.S. 81 improvement project south of Kingfisher – weather permitting.
Read moreRoy Fisher of Loyal completed donating his 18th gallon of blood platelets to the Oklahoma Blood Institute Donor Center in Enid earlier this month. He received a pin from OBI
Read moreDevon Energy selected the Hennessey and Lomega high school FFA chapters to receive more than $9,000 in total grants for science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education. With the funds,
Read moreGilmour Elementary School announced its Great Expectations Award winners at Jacket Roundup on Sept. 20. Recognized were, from left: front row, first graders Elizabeth Click, Brantlee Hux, Brinkley Taylor, Eva
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